Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nanny and Papa

The kids each got to have a day all to themselves with Nanny and Papa.  They had an absolute blast.  Hannah especially loved her princess birthday party, getting her nails painted and looking at old photos of her dad.  Caleb especially loved fishing, watch football and playing on the ipad.
After the kids got a little one on one time, we all stayed together for a few days. 
First stop, The Ranch Hand.  Man O' Man we love the food out there!   


Nanny sneaking a little kiss from Caleb.  We seriously have to sneak them too, but he couldn't run away this time!
Look at the size of that pancake!

Of course we had to say Hi to Roger while we were out there (hope I got that name right - guess I could call him my Marlboro Man). 

But no one and I mean no one can make ribs like Papa.  They are hands down the best! (of course, everything he makes is delicious)  The kids and I gobbled these babies down like there was no tomorrow.   
Caleb sure was pleased as punch with this yummy desert.  O' how that boy loves Twinkies!

This is our niece's ADORABLE little girl.  She is such a little sweetie and we sure had fun with her. 

Cooking a plum dessert with Nanny.  Those plums came right off of her tree!
I think Hannah wore that crown every single day and to bed at least once.  Its so wonderful to feel like a princess. 
Just getting back from a fun little walk and then we were off to see Smurfs 2 at the theatre.

Thank you so much Nanny and Papa for showing us such a great time.  We love you!

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