Thursday, November 14, 2013


Flying makes my mom pretty nervous but she bolstered up her courage and flew out here to the Midwest for a visit.  We were so excited to see her.  The moment the kids saw her at the airport they ran and gave her such big hugs.   
We had many wonderful adventures together.

My mom loves art, so, our first stop was the St. Louis art museum
The architecture of the building inside and out is astounding.  Especially when you consider that the building was constructed over 100 years ago and used for the 1904 World's Fair. 


Caleb was totally engrossed in the arms and armor section but, without a doubt, the Egyptian art and MUMMIES were his absolute favorites.    
Our second stop was to historic St. Charles for trick-or-treating.  It was so fun to have my mom along for all our Halloween activities.   

Old town St. Charles is like stepping back in time.  It is a river city with a rich past.  It was founded by French Canadian fur trader Louis Blanchette and grew into a thriving riverfront trading center.  It was the spot for the Lewis and Clark Rendezvous, Missouri's first state capitol, the origin of the Boone's Lick Trail and home to Daniel Boone.  Not to mention it makes a pretty awesome Diagon Alley for this Hermione and Harry.   

Ya can't go anywhere here without crossing a river or two.  This is a picture from the van while going over the Missouri.

Our third stop was the Daniel Boone Home.

The Daniel Boone Home is located in a beautiful valley in wine country.  Daniel Boone moved here after practically fleeing Kentucky on account of debt.  His family built this beautiful citadel of a home with three feet thick limestone walls!


The home is now part of a simulated village that offers a peek into life on the Missouri frontier.

Each building has been moved to the site from within 50 miles of the area.

Just to make sure they stayed toasty warm, Hannah and my mom donned fleece blankets.
What a cute Babushka. 

After our tours we were starving, so, we just stopped for a quick bite.  Ha, nothing like traveling all the way from Idaho to eat a potato here in St. Louis, 

  but having some good old St. Loui' soda pop made up for it. 

Still on our grand adventures...
Next stop, St. Louis LDS Temple.

I love this quote:   “If you let your children touch the temple it will touch them.” 

 "Look Up"
One of my mom's favorite quotes.

We had to take a trek out to the Mississippi,

the Arch,

and the old St. Louis Court House.

Several historic cases were tried here including the Dread Scott case.

Final stop, Build-A-Bear. 
It was supposed to be an American Girl Doll Store.  I thought the store was at the mall near where Hannah has choir practice, but we stopped in only to find out that I had the wrong mall.  I think Caleb was extra grateful though that he didn't have to pal around with us at a doll store.  Build-A-Bear ended up being more fun for all.  
Caleb is entering the personality traits.  Every trait possible went in.  

To scent or not to scent, that is the question.
All ready to fill with fluff.

Now for a quick bath

and a birth certificate.

Getting that darling outfit on. 

Oh, how we love Fluff
and Cards! 

The kids and these new friends are pretty much inseparable.  Its like having a little bit of Grandma still here.

Even though Grandmas are the best fun, they can, also, help moms out a lot.  As a school teacher, my mom has had years learning about what type of things kids really need to succeed.  She gave us some great ideas to incorporate into our homeschool routine and they have been extremely helpful.  She got this quote from somewhere and I use it all the time now with the kids, “YOU are responsible for your thoughts, your words and your actions.”   I just say that and there is no response because its true.  Its kinda like magic. 

We loved our adventures with Bam Bam but some of the best moments are of when we just sat still.  Its the moments of just being together that sometimes stand out in our hearts the most.
We had such a fun week didn't we. 
Hurry back soon.

There is no one perfect way to be a good mother.  Each situation is unique.  Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly differently children....what matters is that a mother loves her children deeply...
                            -Elder M. Russel Ballard

Thank you for loving us deeply.  We love you deeply right back.

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