Tuesday, December 10, 2013


"We can only be said to be alive in those moments
when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."
- Thornton Wilder

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Two days before Thanksgiving 

We always try to do something to pay it forward.  This year our service was to give supplies to the Bird Sanctuary.  It is such a great place to enjoy the beautiful outdoors on a Sunday afternoon and we wanted to give back just a little.

Loading some of the supplies into the van.

We always eat Chinese before Turkey Day. 
Matthew and I started this tradition back when we were living in Houston.  We actually ate out at a Chinese restaurant Thanksgiving Day.  How American is that!  

One day before Thanksgiving
The kids and I had such fun making pies. 

After Caleb got his crust into the pie dish he just loved using that sharp old knife to cut the left overs into little tiny pieces.  
Next thing on a boys list after using a sharp knife is to make a flour beard and mustache.   


Hannah was a great little helper and did a lot of the work on the rolls this year.
They were so yummy, but my Grandma's will always be the best.  I think half my plate was always filled up with those warm, buttery pieces of deliciousness. 
I sure do miss her.  

Then off to the movies!

Thanksgiving Day
A little one-on-one first thing in the morning.  Love that the Rockettes are kicking away in the background.

The kids, also, played a fun photo scavenger hunt game using the iphones.

The tree goes up.  Hannah got to work on that thing and had it out of the garage and up lickety split.  We were all getting really excited that Christmas was just around the corner. 


We set the table.

Hannah loved using the silverware my great grandmother Rhoda gave Matthew and me for our wedding. 


We express gratitude with each corn kernel placed on our plate.

  We give thanks and eat.

A few hours later we are onto dessert!
The pies this year were strawberry (Hannah's choice), chocolate (Caleb's choice), lemon (my choice) and cheese (Matthew's choice).

(I sure could use a slice of pie right about now)

Then, we finished this book we have been reading,

and the Christmas decorations emerge.

We decorate the tree.



Thank you Thanksgiving.
We have so much to be grateful for.


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