Tuesday, December 31, 2013

All Things Jolly

Christmas has come and gone. 
This month has been so busy it is kind of a blur,
so, lets go back and see some of the other things we have done.
A Christmas countdown was hid every night

and found every morning with a fun activity or treat.

The outside lights go up.

The kids did such a great job of helping out.

The Ward Christmas Party "A night in Bethlehem" was attended.

Lets see, which plate is Caleb's, oh' yeah, it the one with five desserts and a cracker... that boy is going sugar free in 2014!

I didn't know they had iPhone's back in those days....but we gotta check the 49ers score.

The primary sang for the program. 
I love this picture because it makes Caleb look like he is singing his heart out.  FYI: he was not.

The manger scene.  Wait, is that Matthew I see...

ha, it is! 
There is no way he would dress up as anything but a WISE man.
Doesn't he look just so happy to be up there.

We watched lots of Christmas movies.  Lots. 

We had the missionaries over for dinner.  The missionary on the left is Eli, he is the son of a friend from Idaho and is such a great kid and missionary.  We sure are thankful for all the work these two are doing. 

We enjoyed reading our Christmas books

and reading a letter from Santa himself!

We always like to do a service project as a family in December and this year the kids sang at an old folks home. 
or..uh.... in Caleb's case, watched everyone else sing. 
As you can see, he wasn't all that happy to be there.

Hannah did a wonderful job on her solo.

The puppet show was a such fun addition to the music.   

Even though you can't see it real well in this picture, that is fog billowing out for when the kids sang "then one foggy Christmas Eve".  Even the kids singing got a kick out of that. 

We made our annual Christmas goodies. 
We started out with sugar cookies.  It is my Grandma's recipe and it is simply the best sugar cookie recipe ever. 
As a kid, my neighbor, Lucille, always gave our family some of these at Christmas.

Obviously, I am not teaching the kids that measuring is an important aspect to being a good cook. 
You really never can have too much vanilla though.  Right?



Sorry, I didn't get a picture of them frosted.  We bustled off to Hannah's Dance Recital instead. 

A few days later, we made candy. 

Crushing peppermint for peppermint chocolate bark.

Making caramel for the pretzel bark. 
No apron for this boy.  Cooking attire consists of a football helmet and oh, yeah, that darn old cardinals shirt he loves. 

A visit to Historic St. Charles

Hannah collected a card from as many Christmas characters as she could.

The actors did such a great job.  They were so into character, accents and all.

It was very very cold and everyone was soooo tired.  Hannah was really the only cooperative one with pictures and Caleb didn't even want to collect the cards. 
Bah Humbug!

Bah Humbug!

And just incase you didn't get it, Bah Humbug!

The only card Caleb collected was from, of course,
Ebenezer Scrooge!  

Organizing all the cards. 

Christmas Eve Dinner

Acting out the Christmas Story.

Caleb said he wanted to be a rich man.


 We read The Night Before Christmas.

Christmas Day
Something from the tooth fairy.  Caleb lost his tooth Christmas Eve and sure was excited thinking that the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus would bump into each other.

Look at that cute sleepy head.

A note from Santa.

Now the fun begins. 


The end result of all of this excitement is a lovely nap for these two. 
"Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Sleep in Heavenly Peace"
What Holly Jolly Fun We've Had! 

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