Sunday, December 22, 2013

English Dinner

It snowed again and raised such havoc,
but it sure made things beautiful.  

Caleb's morning basketball game was cancelled, but we still ventured out to go to the dentist only to find a several car pile up in one direction and a steep slick hill our van couldn't make in the other.  We slowly slid down the hill, turned around and went back to our cozy home. 
Later, we had our annual English Dinner.  We do this tradition in honor of Matthew's LDS mission to England.  He left in December and came back two years later in December. 
Roasty Potatoes

Raspberry Trifle

And, despite Longfellow being distinctively American, we always read this book about his penning of "I Heard the Bells" because it is Matthew's favorite Christmas carol.


As they say in England, "Happy Christmas!"

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