Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Hannah

Our wonderful Hannah turned Nine this year! 
I can't believe how time flies by. 
She has gone from this adorable little preschooler  

to this absolutely amazing girl . 
I love seeing her grow into the person she is to be.
Since we were going to be in Bear Lake on her actual birthday, we scheduled a celebration about a week earlier. 
We started out with a birthday breakfast. 
Though its hard to tell, those pancakes are her initials.
And then onto presents!
She was tickled pink with dance shoes and earrings but her favorite gift was from Caleb.
Caleb thought and thought about what he was going to get Hannah.  He would say to me every once in a while, "mom I just don't know what to give Hannah".  It was on his mind.  He had been snuggling with Clifford at night for quite some time and as I was tucking him in a few days before the big day he said, "mom, I know what I'm going to give Hannah for her birthday.  I'm going to give her Clifford", and then he buried his head into this prized possession.  It was something that brought him so much happiness and it was going to be hard to give away.  He had decided to truly give from the heart of who he is.  I told him that Hannah would love that and she really did.
This is him tucking Clifford in with the other gifts to surprise her.

After Breakfast we went to Caleb's football game
and then to TGI Fridays!

I think Hannah has chosen to go there
on her birthday every year.  
Free birthday ice cream might have something to do with that! 

Then, we went home and watched Tangled

and had strawberry cake and Neapolitan ice cream!

Happy Birthday Hannah!  We sure do love you!


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