Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bear Lake

By Hannah:
We took a drive around Bear Lake. 
 The waves were huge! 
Is this what the ocean looks like?

Caleb and I went out on the boat ramp.

It was so cold!

Is this beautiful or what?

Another day, I got Grandma and Grandpa all to my self!
I wanted to go to the beach, you can guess what happened, I got to go!

The beach was calm and quiet.  It was too peaceful to be true.

I tried to build a sand castle,

but I couldn't finish it.  We had to go home :(
So I went in the water to wash off.

When I ran in the water it splashed me a lot!

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! its cold!

I had a really good time!
  Can I go to the beach again?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Easter Hill and An Indian Burial Ground

By Caleb:
I went to Easter Hill. 
The drive there was really bumpy. 
This is a view from Easter Hill.  Can you see Bear Lake?


This is our view facing East.

I found a cactus.

 This is me jumping.

This is our view facing West.

This is Paris Peak.

 This is me with Grandma and Grandpa looking for a bug.

I don't like my picture taken.

This is obsidian I found.   

The Indian Burial Grounds were the next stop. 
The Burial Grounds are above the Paris Tabernacle on a hill.

We had to go under barbed wire.

Grandma and I found bones.

This is a deer leg.  It was really interesting.  

I was tired when we got back home but still could roast marshmallows and hot dogs.
I only eat hot dogs if I roast them.
I liked going to the Indian Burial Grounds and Easter Hill!

Paris Spring

I love our hikes to Paris Spring each year.  It is a tradition that comes from my youth and no matter how often I go, my soul is always lifted and my heart always gladdened. 

This is the road that leads up to the trail.  
Now really, the world doesn't get much more beautiful than this.    

This fall we hiked up there with my brother and
his wonderful little family. 

Caleb has to give walking across the river a try. 
Those stepping stones are just too alluring. 
Which leads Hannah to do the same.
"Nature always wears the colors of the spirit." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is my darling niece with Hannah.
Isn't she beautiful!


My mom got several amazing pictures up there.

From the author of my beloved Anne of Green Gables,
“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

But we also love the Spring at all times of the year and I had to put in a few pictures from earlier in the summer. 
This is a variation of the picture above.

Hannah is so crazy brave!  Nothing scares her.


This time we hiked with my sister and her beautiful family. 

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."  - Albert Einstein

Thanks for the best of times all who went with us!   

We will meet again my dear Paris Spring.