Friday, January 17, 2014


 We loved having my brother, Jonathan, visit us over his Christmas break. 
Whenever Jonathan is around, Hannah and Caleb get the opportunity to experience just what it's like to have a big brother. 
Man, how they love Him!  Jonathan doesn't get a moment's peace until the two go to bed because they expect him to entertain them 24/7.  And he selflessly does.  They can talk his ear off too.  And in Caleb's case, talk a lot of smack.  And I mean, a lot of smack.  What is it about boys and male bonding?   
Let's see, what did we do..... 

Tried out a well known restaurant called pi.
Obama put this place on the map.  It's his favorite pizza.  Sorry, I know that ruins it for some of you.

The pizza was original and really yummy to all except Caleb.  
He made sure to let everyone in earshot know that he is a pizza hut kind of a guy.

Checked out Washington University. 

What a beautiful campus.

Following in Uncle Jon's foot steps. 

Hannah is just a shivering because ice rain can be pretty darn cold.


I could see you here, Jon.  And maybe you too, someday, Caleb.

But I can see you both wherever you "put your foundations"

Visited Historic St. Charles.  

Is that a Celtic Santa? ....He's got to be cold, if ya know what I mean. 

Nana Jane...hum....maybe that's what I'll someday have my grandchildren call me. 
O' but then they would probably just think up their own name for me anyway....probably something like ... BamBam.

Home to bundle up and get warm.

Sorry, Jon, I just had to put this picture in.  Hee Hee   
You kind of look like mom did back in her babushka picture.   Hee Hee 

But it's just payback for this kind of stuff! 
              "Hey, we'll have none of that!" 

We loved having Jon with us for Christmas! 
 Christmas Eve morning, we met up with some friends to check out the St. Louis City Museum.  It wasn't much of a museum at all but one wild and crazy indoor playground for adults.  The kids had a blast until Hannah crashed into the wall going down a 10 story high slide!        

After we cleaned up all the blood, we decided to slow things down a bit and let the kids go outside to roast marshmallows. 
It was nice having an extra person around as we acted out the Nativity.   
Jon was a good sport about Caleb dressing him up.  

Now its Caleb's turn.


A little friendly competition between these two in some Christmas games.  


Christmas morning.

Jonathan and my sister Jennilyn decided to have a good laugh at us.  Jenni had Jon put her gift in this box so we would think we were getting a "Family Blankeez".
It worked and he sent her the video.  Ha, Ha.  Just wait.  We will get you all back. 
Jonathan gave the kids (and Matthew) a remote control helicopter. 


We sure had fun with that thing.

but it stopped working properly, so, we exchanged it for a big truck the kids named "RED".  It was like Christmas all over again. 


Trying "RED" outside to see how she does.


We forced Jonathan to go get Kolaches with us.

It was so warm that we stopped at the park on the way home.  It's December people!

New Years Eve
We head off to Greece.

Played several board games.

Took Red out for a spin 

and inside for a spin.

Played Guesstures.

Watched a movie.

Lit fireworks and rang in the New Year!

Man O Man we sure had a lot of fun
with Jonathan but we, also, just really enjoyed his company.
Sometimes so much can be said and experienced just being together.

We are so glad he came to see us.

Miss him just thinking about it.

"Only those who care about you can hear you when your quiet."  -Kushandwisdom 

26 years ago today Jonathan entered the world
And it has never been the same since. 
How grateful I am for that. 
Love you Jonathan. 

 "To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time. "- Clara Ortega

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