Saturday, November 7, 2015

Tornado Warning

When we moved to Missouri, the one thing that kept the kids a just little apprehensive was the chance of a Tornado.  They understood all about Tornado Alley and Missouri's place in it.  Since our move to the midwest, we had just experienced severe Tornado Alley kind of thunderstorms but no tornado warnings.  That is until April.  The skies gathered a Tornado Alley kind of darkness which prompted the kids and me to turn on the news and we had ourselves an honest to goodness Tornado Warning! Never fear folks, we were prepared for just this kind of thing.  Out came the mattress and our 72 hour kits.     

We camped out here in the hall or out here on the couch with our trusty headlamps depending on what the weatherman was telling us.  At one time the Tornado was headed straight at us!           

But it ended up touching down just north.  Whew!  That sure was exciting!

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