Saturday, November 7, 2015

enjoy the view

Logan Canyon View

Before they did construction on Logan Canyon to make it so much easier to drive through there was this terrifying corner we had to drive around.  Many people loved the beautiful view from this spot but not me.  As a child my mom told me a story of how her cousin had driven off at that very spot and died.  And then my father was a wild fast driver.  So, as we climbed up this hill to "the corner" I would get a little more nervous with every turn until I was crouched down on the floor of our station wagon saying a silent little prayer to myself.  So, as a child, I seldom ever saw the view from there.  Now, all these years later with the road widened and improved I can see it for what it is.  Sometimes it just takes a little security for us to be able to enjoy the view.


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