Monday, September 9, 2013

The Scientific Method

Our decision to Home School didn't come lightly but ultimately we felt like it would be what was best for the kids this year.  It has been both wonderful and challenging.  We love the ability to really emerge ourselves into a subject, that we have more time together, that the kids take ownership in their education, and that we now have time and energy to enjoy our extra curricular activities in the evening.  It is a little challenging to keep the kids on task though.  Caleb seems to think he needs to have a GAZILLION snacks and Hannah wants to read ALL DAY LONG but for the most part they do a really good job of working hard. 

We have been studying the Scientific Method and have learned about observations, inferences, hypothesis, and testing a hypothesis.  We decided to go to the Science Center and put all this into practice.  The kids loved, loved, LOVED it. 

Here we are just starting out in our lab coats, goggles, and gloves.  Not exactly a fashion statement is it? 

The kids conducted labs for finger printing, blood typing, viewing their own cells, seeing DNA without a microscope and solving a crime.  How cool is that? 

They had an absolute blast using authentic scientific equipment and being able to think like a real scientist.  

What a great day of learning! 

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