Saturday, September 14, 2013


We love our birdfeeder.  It belonged to my great grandmother Rhoda.  She feels present whenever I look at it.  Which is a lot, since I can see it out our kitchen windows.

We don't just get birds visiting, although, we have our fair share of Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Finches.  We also get critters; deer, raccoons, squirrels and other unseen nocturnal creatures.  It was the squirrels that became our biggest nuisance though.  In fact, they began to take over the bird feeder to the point that instead of seeing cute little birds fluttering around we just saw one big bushy tail out there.  Caleb got the notion to defend the birdfeeder with his BB gun, for the birds of course not just for the opportunity to fire that old gun of his.  He kept it right next to the backdoor and at the first sight of a bushy tail; he grabbed the gun, swung the door wide, and opened fire on those darn squirrels.  This happened so frequently that I got to wondering what kind of people the neighbors might think we were........Idaho Hillbillies?  Hannah even got in on the action.           

Moonshine anyone?

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